Here is an article in Daily Mail that nicely illustrates that newspaper's tendency to make
ad hominem attacks. The suggestion seems to be that a rich person who is leftwing is a hypocrite. It is a standard Daily Mail smear, of course, to attack lefties for being hypocrites and champagne socialists.
However, isn't someone who fights for policies that are not in their own self-interest actually demonstrating
real integrity, rather than hypocrisy?
And what's wrong with a rich person "disliking the rich"?
I imagine we'll see
an awful lot of this sort of ad hominem attack directed at Hollande, who clearly rattles the DM, which, I imagine, is fearful of someone similar gaining power over here.
Here's the start...
New French president Francois Hollande, who claims to ‘dislike the rich’, has THREE homes on French Riviera
France's new Socialist president owns three holiday homes in the glamorous Riviera resort of Cannes, it emerged today.The 57-year-old who 'dislikes the rich' and wants to revolutionise his country with high taxes and an onslaught against bankers is in fact hugely wealthy himself. His assets were published today in the Official Journal, the gazette which contains verified information about France's government. 
Mixed messages: Socialist president Francois Hollande portrays himself as an enemy of the rich - and yet he holds assets worth almost £1million
To the undoubted embarrassment to the most left-wing leader in Europe and a man who styles himself as 'Mr Normal', they are valued at almost £1million. It will also reinforce accusations that Hollande is a 'Gauche Caviar', or 'Left-Wing Caviar' - the Gallic equivalent of a Champagne Socialist.Among other assets are three current accounts in French banks - two with global giant Societe Generale and one with the Postal Bank - and a life insurance policy.